Posted by : Anonymous Tuesday, July 2, 2013

3 rules to gain muscle mass without gaining fat

Rule n° 1: ingest a sufficient amount of calories

The goal is not to consume huge quantities of calories (which could help increase the adipose tissue), or conversely to limit (you cannot build muscle with a small amount of nutrients). We must find the right balance and focus on calorie intake in the first part of the day (of waking up to 15h) and after training to refill glycogen stores.

To obtain an appropriate caloric intake through the gainer is the ideal solution. For example, Mass gainer Steel Pro Revogenix laboratories, capable of raising its contribution fast and slow proteins, complex carbohydrates and quality in adequate quantity. The immediate effect is to stimulate anabolism, counteract the catabolic phase and prevent fat storage due to high insulin secretion. The intermediate Steel Mass Gainer Pro allows to create an optimal anabolic environment, promoting a dry muscle development.

Rule n° 2: Intensify training

There is no secret to stimulate muscle hypertrophy, nothing beats an intensive training so that the body can use more nutrients provided (called synthesis). This is pushing the limits that the body adapts by building muscle (the phenomenon of overcompensation).

Creatine, accompanied by a vasodilator, is an anabolic aid entirely appropriate for this intensification. Products like Kre-Alkalyn 1600 and OxyPump HT will, in combination, increased performance and amplification of the phenomenon of congestion.

Ergogenic help these products significantly to profits your workouts, making them more productive and help mobilize installed fat as an energy source, while stimulating muscle building.

Rule n°3:Take profitable rest

Without a quality rest, the body is in a catabolic state limiting muscle anabolism. To rebuild the damaged muscle fibers in training, a significant amount of sleep is necessary. But it happens with the pace of modern life, it is difficult to have an adequate amount of sleep.

The use of hormone stimulator such as Testo HT allows for restful sleep and thus more productive nights. In addition, the Testo HT allows to raise certain hormone levels such as testosterone, anabolic hormones references which are necessary for muscle mass.

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  1. Yeah I also heard that bodybuilding supplements work appropriately and good for your gaining weight program and even also help to maintain your diet curriculum.



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