Posted by : Anonymous Thursday, May 30, 2013

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, it is not always easy to know which supplement to take to optimize muscle development. There are so many products and so many rule of interactions between these different products that we can never be sure of making the right choice. So today we offer a selection of two effective supplements that are considered as   the best supplement for building muscle it will guarantee an optimum result.


CreAdvance ProCreatine plays a role in providing energy to the muscle cells and muscle contraction. It improves muscle performance by multiplying the production of  power  and faster recovery, which has an immediate effect on the muscle load and therefore volumizing.
The three forms of the most effective creatine monohydrate, pyruvate and citrate. The combination of these three creatine, with different rates of assimilation, promotes optimum efficiency!
Example of using the CreAdvance Pro: 4 capsules with a glass of water before your workout and 4 capsules with a glass of water after waking up on rest days.

Glutamine (+ BCAA + HMB)

bcaa-ht_eiyolab_thumbGlutamine is essential for bodybuilding. Primarily, this supplement enhances muscle growth and promotes recovery. But there are plenty of other benefits to bodybuilders as preventing overtraining and cramps, strengthening the immune system and even helps with digestion!
The ideal is to choose a supplement glutamine and BCAA HMB combining to create maximum synergistic effect on muscle development.
Example of use of BCAA HT: 4 scoops (11.5 g) two times a day. Before and after training, or in the morning and in the evening the day of rest.
It's better to mix it with fruit juice rather than water.

We choose this two product as the best supplement for building muscle therefore There are many other supplements that will help you always gain more muscle mass. Remember also to supplement with a gainer or protein according to your body. The protein and carbohydrate intake is the basis of any muscle building program.

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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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