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- Do not skip breakfast
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Joseph Edward
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The reality is that it is not skipping breakfast is bad for weight and health, but simply does not control his diet, and eating too many calories throughout the day.
The myth:
"Skipping breakfast is bad for your health and makes you fat."

Skipping breakfast is generally associated with higher than normal body types. The explanation is similar to the myth of the low frequency of meals.
Those who skip their breakfast generally have poor eating habits and do not take care of their health. People who skip breakfast are also the generally because they are on a diet, it seems obvious that these people here weigh more if they would not be in the plan. Keep in mind that most people who use this method are not the kind of person to take the time to learn about nutrition. They use a risky solution, like most people. Kind of go at once to 800 calories per day for a while, and then retrieve all their pounds (or more).
Sometimes the argument for breakfast is that we are more sensitive to insulin in the morning. This is true, you are still more sensitive to insulin after an overnight fast. Or rather, you are still sensitive to insulin during the first meal of the day. The insulin sensitivity is increased after the reduction of glycogen. If you have not eaten since 8/10 hours, the liver glycogen is modestly reduced. This is what causes this insulin sensitivity - not a magical moment which would stand in the morning. The same goes for training with weights. The insulin sensitivity is increased as the muscle glycogen stores are not full. And, that does not go away if you forget to take carbs after your workout.
Origin of the myth of breakfast:
First, we have a wide variety of epidemiological studies that show a correlation between skipping his breakfast and a heavy weight of the population. One of the researchers of this study commented on the association between skipping breakfast or choice of breakfast food:
"This group seems to represent people" on the go ", only eating sweets or sodas, or just taking a glass of milk or a piece of cheese. Their biggest BMI would seem to support the notion that eating "disordered" are associated with obesity, instead, or in addition to total calories eaten in a day. "
Kellogg's and other dietitians to mention nuts love this kind of study all the time, which leads most people to think that breakfast has unique benefits on metabolism and health. In fact, these studies show that those who just eat breakfast maintain better eating habits in general.
Other frequently cited studies that claim that breakfast is beneficial for insulin sensitivity are all marked by methodological flaws or with a faulty design widely.
In another study widely, subjects ate most of their meals in totally free conditions. The group of those who skip breakfast and eat a more gained more weight, which has negatively affected their health parameters.
In summary, we can read "The data reported on the energy absorption was significantly lower during the EB (eating breakfast) (P = 0.001), and resting energy expenditure was not different between the two periods. "By definition, people who ate a breakfast could better control their energy absorption during the rest of the day. They have not gained weight, unlike the group who jumped breakfast. Weight gain always negatively affects insulin sensitivity, as well as other health parameters. Thus, it was understood that the breakfast is good for health and improves insulin sensitivity, which is not at all what this study showed in the end.
A new study on breakfast and Health was released a few weeks ago. It brings nothing new, the findings are similar to earlier studies that found correlations between weight and skipping breakfast.
However, as it is such a fine example of everything that is wrong with the epidemiology, I'll devote a separate article, instead of dissecting everything now in this article, which is already pretty long way. I will publish a detailed analysis soon. Not because I think I have to argue more, but because it will be a lesson on critical thinking.