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- Nutrition before, during and after body weight training
Posted by :
Joseph Edward
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Before, during and after weight training, diet and taking nutritional supplements are very important for maximum muscle gains: tips on how to use whey, BCAAs, carbs, ...
Eating around your training is particularly important for good muscle development. In fact, the training is the stimulus that will tell the body to build muscle to repair the damage inflicted in training the muscles, but without proper nutrition, this stimulus is useless, it may even be against productive.

So we give you all the information to optimize your diet and taking supplements around your weight training session.
First, you can see why this period that begins before 1:00 and ends 1:00 after training is also important, it is called the "anabolic window".
Then we go into the details of each macro nutrient (protein and amino acids, carbohydrates, and lipids) to detail the terms of each decision, both in terms of timing as the assay.
With this, you can optimize your diet for bodybuilding, and have faster progress.